6IX9INE Before And After Tattoos Rainbow Hair 6IX9INE Responds To YG From The Dominican RepublicĦIX9INE isn’t losing any sleep despite all the people who hate him. The last couple of years have seen a rise in alternative styles of Rap in Hip-Hop. YG also tweeted: “I want all the smoke” and many believe the message was aimed at Tekashi. Straight from the Southern states of America, Mumble Rap has taken its place on the Billboard Hot 100s and Rap history. XXL reports that Tekashi referred to YG as “that dude that was hot mad long ago.” YG responded with the following Instagram post: The track is alright, and at the very least it opens up room for discussion, so I fuck with it. They’re both Bloods but they don’t have any respect for each other. I dont think Vin Jay is making a huge statement here, This is a mild reminder on current day hip-hop and the tension between the 'mumble-rap' world and those that fuck with more 'lyrical/conscious' rap. Now nearing the end of its fifth decade, there is a place for all. Like jazz and reggae, hip-hop has a rich musical culture. Our list contains some of the biggest mumble rappers and some of their many influences, ensuring you can find someone you love Did we forget to mention your favorite rapper Let us know who we should discuss. Mumble rap offers the opportunity to reassess what is of cultural value. Not everyone was impressed with 6IX9INE’s Breakfast Club interview. Whether you call it a trap, mumble rap, or SoundCloud rap, you can find an artist to your tastes. 6IX9INE Before And After Tattoos Rainbow Hair YG Throws Shots At Tekashi69 6IX9INE Before And After Tattoos Rainbow Hair

Birdman’s unforgettable Respeck interview has more than 13 million views. Power 105.1 reports that Birdman holds the first and second spots on the most viewed Breakfast Club interviews list followed by 21 Savage. He’s beefing with numerous rappers but his fanbase continues to grow.ĦIX9INE’s Breakfast Club interview already has more than 4 million views. Tekashi69 reminds us that controversy sells. 6IX9INE Before And After Tattoos Rainbow Hair If he released “Gummo” before he got his face tattoos and changed the color of his hair, the song would have been ignored. It’s difficult to get attention these days explaining why Tekashi chose to change his look. The image above shows that 6IX9INE wasn’t always covered in tattoos and his hair used to be black. idk the people who hate mumble are normie boomers who still listen to eminem and are yet to discover music.